Accessibility statement

Brembo S.p.A. with registered office in Curno, via Brembo no. 25, 24035 (BG), agrees to make its website accessible, in accordance with Law no. 4 of 9 January 2004.


This accessibility declaration applies to

State of conformance: Partially conformant 


This website partially conforms with the requirements of Annex A of Standard UNI EN 301549, as a result of the cases of non-conformance and/or exceptions listed below. 


Inaccessible content 


The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons:


  1. failure to comply with Law no. 4 of 9 January 2004.


In general terms: 


  • Appropriate mechanisms for bypass blocks are not available
  • There are elements not highlighted by the focus, or where the focus is not visible
  • Not all views are rendered with the best possible contrast
  • The images do not have an adequate textual alternative, or this is incorrectly completed
  • Not all the necessary landmarks have been integrated
  • Not all the information required to identify the purpose of the programmatic content on the pages and in the forms is present
  • The rules regarding titles have not been followed in accordance with the appropriate hierarchy and structure of semantic areas
  • There are inconsistencies in the definition of title and arial-label in the same context
  • Lack of explanation of the purpose of the links or roles
  • The opening of certain links which direct the user to an external page is not signaled by means of an image or an appropriate identifier
  • Incorrect formulation of some of the instructions for interacting with content based on sensory characteristics
  • The information, the structure and the correlations on the pages are not adequately communicated
  • Incorrect repetition of the use of unique identifiers on the page
  • The various content functionalities are not fully usable from the keyboard and screen reader
  • The sequence of tabs partially meets the requirements regarding standard keyboard navigation
  • Not all the iframes have correctly compiled attributes (e.g. title) and access to the content


  1. disproportionate burden.


The website was developed using Microsoft Sharepoint, and making changes to the development software, or carrying out interventions at code level, represents a disproportionate burden; The risk is that the ability to publish information that is necessary or relevant to the site’s own tasks and services will be undermined.


Various interventions are planned for the future in the short/medium term, in order to improve the accessibility of the website.


Drafting of the accessibility declaration 


This declaration was drafted on 23/09/2022.

The declaration was made using an assessment which complies with the requirements of EU Directive 2016/2012, using 2 methodologies:

  1. Automatic self-assessment, carried out using various tools recommended by the W3C
  2. Manual self-assessment for keypad operation and use of Voice Over and assistive technologies that are specific to the devices


The declaration was most recently reviewed on 23/09/2022


How to send non-conformance reports, and provider contact details 


Where a lack of conformance with the accessibility principles is found, the user can flag this by sending an email to the following address:, providing the site URL, the pages considered not to conform, and the reason for the non-conformance report.


The person responsible for dealing with these matters can be contacted at the email address provided above.


How to send reports to AgID 


In cases where an unsatisfactory response is received, or where no reply is received within 30 days of the notification or request, the individual reporting the episode(s) of non-conformance may file a complaint using the method indicated on the AgID institutional website.


Site information 


  1. Date of publication of website: 25/10/2021.
  2. Have usability tests been carried out? YES
  3. CMS used for the website: WordPress


Information on the structure 


Number of employees with disabilities in the administration: 81

Number of workstations for employees with disabilities: 4​